My little neighbor girl came over to hang out with me. Her mother is having a big party tonight, so I thought I would help her by watching Tahaira.
Tahaira brought over one of her friends. Destiny is 5 and she is so so cute. We had a great time together. They drank hot chocolate while I did the dishes. And we played a game we made up called, 'secret dance word'. You have to dance if you say the secret word. Destiny drew this beautiful piece for me.
We were loud, we laughed, and we walked down to the coffee shop for a game of checkers. When we came back an amazing thing happened. They decided they need 'stuff' from my kitchen. What kind of stuff do you need, I asked.Tahaira responded, 'you know, just stuff, anything, well watcha got'? After she felt comfortable finding what she needed, they had created: Marshmallow-coconut-sprinkle-baking soda-margarita salt divines! Destiny tried them, her lips, teeth, and tongue turned blue from the colored sprinkles and she spit the marshmallow in my direction. Somethings never change, baking soda still doesn't work when playing kitchen.