Thursday, September 6, 2007

A day for sailing

My friend Sean, and Frits called to see if I'd like to go sailing with them today. I was ready to leave in 2 minutes. I've been out on the boat a lot, yet we haven't sailed. It's either been the weather or no wind. BUT today, we did it. It was amazing, and according to them, the best sail they've had to date. Frits gave me some good sailing tips, and attempted to teach me the names of things. Feeling the power of water and wind was breathtaking. I helped pull the front mass in when we changed directions. Also, when the sailboat started to lean towards the water Sean and I went to the other side and leaned out over the water to shift the weight. Did I mention how exciting this was???? I was counting on Frits to have his camera, but no such luck. So here's a video of their first sail. This video doesn't compare to our sail, but it will give ya an idea of the fun to be had on a sail boat.

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